Kelling Water Meadows
Blackbird ♂︎ (turdus merula)
Blackcap ♀︎ 9Sylvia atricapilla)
Black Headed Gull (Chrococephalus ridibundus)
Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) having a good wash & preen in the sunshine
An enirely serendipitous encounter with a Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis)
I'm sure you are likely to have better pictures by now but if you do happen to use the photos to support your id please could you let me know.
Thank you
Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinenesis)
Horned Poppy seed heads ( Glaucium flavum)
Linnet (Linaria cannabina)
Red Throated Diver (Gavia stellata)
Redshank (Tringa totanus)
Lesser reed Mace (Typhus angustifolia)
Salicornia Sp
Sea Aster seed heads (Tripolium pannonicum)
Kelling Water Meadows
Blackbird ♂︎ (turdus merula)
Blackcap ♀︎ 9Sylvia atricapilla)
Black Headed Gull (Chrococephalus ridibundus)
Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) having a good wash & preen in the sunshine
An enirely serendipitous encounter with a Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis)
I'm sure you are likely to have better pictures by now but if you do happen to use the photos to support your id please could you let me know.
Thank you
Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinenesis)
Horned Poppy seed heads ( Glaucium flavum)
Linnet (Linaria cannabina)
Red Throated Diver (Gavia stellata)
Redshank (Tringa totanus)
Lesser reed Mace (Typhus angustifolia)
Salicornia Sp
Sea Aster seed heads (Tripolium pannonicum)